Balaji Institute of Technology & Science is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. All examinations i.e., internal & Final University Examinations are conducted under the guidelines of the Controller of Examinations of the University.
Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances
University Level:
Before Examination : Grievances pertaining to application form & Hall ticket, late application form filing, non receipt of admit card of examinations or wrong entries in the Hall ticket are communicated to University Examination Section and resolved at the earliest. College Exam Branch staff helps the student for filing the application form.
If there are any grievances regarding question papers of any subject during External Examinations, College Instantly reports to University Examination Section. Grievances regarding question paper include questions asked out of syllabus, data given in question is insufficient, typing errors, etc. Committee at University takes cognizance and resolves the grievance. For the grievances such as wrongly added seat numbers and wrong subject roll list, the Chief Superintend of Examinations, instantly give them correct question papers. Roll lists are also corrected at the same time in consultation with university.
For any grievances after the results are declared, students have to contact Examination Branch. College Exam Branch In-charge addresses their issues. He sends an application to university for revaluation and recounting of marks etc. If student is not satisfied by Revaluation/ Recounting, student can request for Challenge Valuation (CV) which has to be applied along with relevant Xerox copies of recounting/revaluation result to the University through the college principal. College Examination Branch Staff (or) Principal will verify & will forward the Application to JNTUH. Date will be notified to the student for CV. Then student need to go to JNTUH & should attend the CV where paper will be evaluated in the presence of student. There will be no Challenge Valuation for Lab Marks.
College Level: