
Design of New Curricula and Courses

Our institution imparts transferable and life skills to the students. Institute organizes various programmes which are required for well-being and aid individual to develop into active and productive members of their communities. Besides curriculum we also teach the students to encounter challenges to meet the daily tasks in their lives and be as a successful human in the society.

As part of enrichment of curriculum value added courses which impact transferable life skills which help the student to achieve placements and success in their activities.

Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering

Faculty: Dr.Nookala Venu

Designation: Associate Professor

Academic Year: 2021-22

Subject: Logistic and Supply Chain Management

Module 1: Introduction, Supply Management, Evolution of ERP, Concept of ERP in SCM

Module 2: Understanding the Benchmarking Concept, Benchmarking Process

Module 3: The Role of E-Commerce in Supply Chain Management

Module 4: Green Supply Chain Management

Module 5: Distribution Resource Planning, World Class Supply Chain Management

Academic Year: 2020-21

Subject: Soft Computing Applications in Image Processing

Module 1: Various Soft Computing Techniques

Module 2: Convergence Characteristics of Algorithms like Fuzzy and GA

Academic Year: 2019-20

Subject: 5G Communications

Module 1:5G Mobile Core and Operation System

Module 2: Softwarization in 5G

Module 3: 5G Ultra Dense Networks

Module 4: Multi Connectivity Functional Architecture in 5G

Academic Year: 2018-19

Subject: Wireless Sensor Networks

Module 1:Applications of WSN

Module 2: Design of WSN

Module 2: Data Mining Techniques and Tools for WSNs

Academic Year: 2017-18

Subject: System Design Using MATLAB

Module 1: Introductory Sessions of MATLAB Training Course

Module 2: MATLAB Toolboxes (Signal Processing, Image Processing)

Module 2: Simulink and its Applications