Central Library
Library is the soul of our educational institution. Keeping in view intensive and extensive use, the library being constantly enriched by the acquisition of latest books and journals keeping in pace with changing times, to further advancement of the college academic activities.
Well equipped with modern facilities, Central Library is with an area of 1200 sft. It has seating capacity of 300 persons and follows Open Access System. Specialized collection of books, journals and non-book material are available in Engineering, Technology and Management. Our collection has over 59941 Volumes of books, 7568 Titles. The college subscribes about 168 National and International journals. Responding to the varying needs of the academic community by involving faculty, students and administration in the development and periodic assessment of library services and resources. Library provides an environment conducive to the optimum use of library materials and an appropriate schedule of hours of service and professional assistance.

Staff Committee Members for the C.A.Y (2023-24)
S.No | Name | Designation | Position | Mail ID |
Mr. P. Kiran Kumar | Assistant Professor | Coordinator | kiranpadakanti0430@gmail.com | |
Dr. G. Naresh | Assistant Professor | Member | hodmba@bitswgl.ac.in | |
Mr. K. Kranthi Kumar | Assistant Professor | Member | kranthu.kuchana12@gmail.com | |
Mrs. G. Ravali | Assistant Professor | Member | ravali.nagelli9@gmail.com | |
Mr. Ch. Kalyani | Assistant Professor | Member | kalyanichenigaram@gmail.com | |
Mr. N. Devender | Assistant Professor | Member | devender5c5@gmail.com | |
Mrs. Rizwana Parheen | Assistant Professor | Member | kamalsmdu@gmail.com | |
Mrs. M. Vedavani | Assistant Professor | Member | vaniece98@gmail.com | |
Mr. B. Kranthi Kumar | Assistant Professor | Member | er.krantikumar@gmail.com | |
Mr. G. Sridhar | Assistant Professor | Member | sridhar08249@gmail.com | |
Mr. V. Sreedhar | Librarian | Member | sridharvelagam@gmail.com |
The following is the list of print collection order by Department
S.No | Programme | Subject | Number Of Titles Available | Number Of Volumes Available |
B.Tech | ECE | 1265 | 11124 | |
B.Tech | CSE | 1231 | 11675 | |
B.Tech | ME | 848 | 7986 | |
B.Tech | EEE | 736 | 8276 | |
B.Tech | CIVIL | 461 | 4083 | |
B.Tech | CSM | 239 | 1366 | |
B.Tech | CSO | 232 | 1290 | |
B.Tech | CSW | 244 | 1273 | |
B.Tech | CSD | 151 | 763 | |
B.Tech | GENERAL | 1009 | 7221 | |
M.Tech | CSE | 770 | 2020 | |
MBA | MBA | 856 | 7355 | |
Total | 8042 | 64432 |
National Journals
SI.No | Name Of The Journal |
IETE Technical review | |
IETE Journal of Research | |
I-Manager Journal on Embded Systems | |
I-Manager Journal on Wireless communication Networks | |
Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology (AJIST) | |
Journal of VLSI Design and Signal Processing | |
Desidoc Journal of Library and Information Technolgoy | |
International Journal of Computational Lignuistics | |
Journal of Information Security Research | |
Journal of Network Security | |
I-Manager's Journal on Software Engineering | |
Research Journal of Engineering & Technology | |
Journal of Data Processing (JDP) | |
Journal of Information Technology Review (JITR) | |
Journal of Intelligent Computing (JIC) | |
Progress in Computing Applications (PCA) | |
Journal of Network Security Computer Networks | |
Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence | |
Advancement of IoT in Blockchain technology and its applications | |
Journal of IoT Security and Smart technologies | |
Research & Review: Machine Learning and Cloud Computing | |
Journal of Web Development and Web Designing | |
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Research | |
International Journal of Software Engineering and Computing | |
International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology | |
Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence & It’s Applications | |
Journal of Artificial Neural Networks and Learning System | |
Journal of Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence | |
Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Design | |
Journal of Big Data Technology and Business Analytics | |
Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Statistics | |
Journal of Data Engineering and Knowledge Discovery | |
Journal of Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence | |
Journal of Ad-hoc Network and Mobile Computing | |
Journal of Sensor and Cloud Computing | |
Journal of IoT-based Distributed Sensor Networks | |
Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges | |
Journal of Hacking Techniques, Digital Crime Prevention and Computer Virology | |
Journal of Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems | |
Journal of Cryptography and Network Security, Design and Codes | |
Journal of Data Mining and Management | |
Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing | |
I-Manager Journal on Electrical Engineering | |
i-manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering (JPS) | |
IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics | |
CIGRE India Journal | |
Power Engineer Journal | |
Journal: IAEGTD (AARO) | |
Effective Executive | |
Indian Journal of Marketing | |
IUP Journal of Corporate Governance | |
IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship | |
IUP Journal of Organisation Behavior | |
Indian Journal of finance | |
IASH Journal | |
TAI Journal | |
IWRA (India) Journal (Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian Geographical Committee of IWRA) | |
ISRM India Journal- Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian National Group of ISRM | |
Incold(Indian Committee on Large Dams)Journal | |
NDC_WWC Journal | |
IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering | |
Resonance Journal of Science Education | |
Journal of Manufacturing Engineering(SME) | |
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | |
Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Science | |
Journal of Mines,Metals and Fuels | |
IUPJournal of English Studies | |
Employment News | |
Engineering Success Review | |
Competition Success Review | |
Frontline | |
CSIR News |
Admission To Library
Students are allowed to library only on production of their authorized/valid Identity Cards. Person who is not a member of the library should not be admitted in to the Library. However non-members should be admitted only by special permit to be issued from the Principal and Librarian or his deputy during his absence. The decision of the Librarian or his deputy should be final. Membership/Identity card should be shown at the counter when requested and every member should enter his/her name and member ship number (Branch/Admin Number) in the gate register.
The Library prohibits Boxes, Bags, Umbrellas, Sticks, Personal Books and such other items, so they should be left at the property counter. Silence should be strictly observed in the Library. Misbehaving in the Library is strictly prohibited.
Working Hours of the Library: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Care Of Library Books
Students are required to handle the books/ Journal very carefully; marking with pencil; writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.
Circulation Issue System
Books will be issued on presentation of the library card along with the smart card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
Book Bank
SC/ST students of college can become a member of the book bank giving application along with caste certificate; Members of the book bank will be issued 5 textbooks for each semester.
Reference Section
This section has Encyclopedia, dictionaries, Text books reference books and Back Volumes etc. which are only available for reference. User can make use of these resources.
Journal Section
In this section journal, magazines and News letter are available. They are arranged Subject wise. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer. Bound volumes of periodicals are arranged in rack subject wise and are meant only for reference within the library.
Rules And Regulations